- 6 Jun
Interesting Facts About The Incy Wincy Spiders
Everyone is familiar with the nursery rhyme, ‘The Incy Wincy Spider’. It is a well-loved children’s song that portrays the spider in an innocent light. Contrary to the spider’s innocent portrayal in this nursery rhyme, there is a lot more that we can learn about this eight-legged creature. This article will cover some interesting facts about spiders.
What Defines a Spider?
It may be surprising to learn that spiders are not insects – they’re arachnids which are in the same family as ticks and scorpions. To this date, more than 40,000 kinds of spiders can be found around the globe. Although they have varying features and behavioural traits, they have a few common defining characteristics. Spiders have two main body parts and eight legs. In contrast, a typical insect would have three main body parts and six legs.
Hard Truths about Spiders
Though seemingly small and helpless, spiders are tough creatures that are always in survival mode. Here are some interesting facts about them that exemplifies their resilient nature:
- Certain spiders are highly venomous – Certain species of spiders have poison glands and inject venom when they bite. Though many do not bite humans, some species can leave bites that are harmful to humans if provoked. For example, the Funnel-Web Spider in Australia is extremely venomous. A single bite can inflict an intense amount of pain on a human.
- Spiders have lived during the Devonian Period – Fossils of spiders were found and traced back to the Devonian Period. The Devonian Period took place more than 300 million years ago, before dinosaurs roamed the earth. Spiders outlived the dinosaurs and continued to adapt to the changing habitats and environmental conditions. As of today, they continue to play an important part in our ecosystem.
- Spiders use silk strategically – It is easy to associate silk with spiderwebs. We are all familiar with the intricately woven webs that spiders create in a variety of designs. From orb webs, to lampshade webs, to conical webs, different spiders construct their webs differently. They have different tactics to trap their prey. If a spiderweb gets destroyed, the spider will quickly rebuild it again.
Not only do spiders use silk to catch their meals, they also use them for other functionalities. For example, Huntsman Spiders use their silk to protect their egg sacs.
- Spiders are resistant to water – Spiders do not drown so easily due to their low metabolism rates. When submerged in water, it can take hours for a spider to drown. Some spiders can also float on the water surface if they are light enough, in bid to avoid drowning.
- Spiders are sensitive to vibrations – While many spiders do not have good eyesight, they have good vibration sensors to compensate for their poor vision. When an insect comes into contact with their webs, spiders can track their movements. Just by sensing the vibrations, spiders can identify the kind of prey they are dealing with.
Spiders Found in Singapore
Brown Recluse Spider – The Brown Recluse Spider can be commonly found around hidden corners of a house. A venomous bite from this spider can require medical attention. This spider is light brown in colour. There is a violin-shaped marking on its body.
Wolf Spider – A dark coloured spider known for its agility. The Wolf Spider usually hunts for its prey by chasing them across fields or terrains. It has three rows of eyes. While Wolf Spider bites are not fatal, they can still cause discomfort to humans.
Black Widow Spider – This black spider is easy to identify due to the red hourglass marking on its abdomen. Its bite is known to be highly venomous. Black Widow Spiders feed on their prey by drinking their fluids.
Managing a Spider Invasion
Here are more interesting facts about spiders. An egg sac from a spider can contain many, many eggs. That would mean a lot of spiderlings in the same area at the same time. If you want to prevent a spider infestation from happening in your home, follow these steps:
Clean frequently – Spiders are attracted to unclean homes. Often, unclean homes contain other insects that spiders like to feast on. Homes that are susceptible to insect infestations are also susceptible to spider infestations.
Hence, having good cleaning practices keeps your home bug-free and spider-free. Storing food properly, wiping dusty areas frequently, and sweeping the floor are some practices that can be carried out. Vacuuming and mopping are also important practices to include in your cleaning regime.
Natural Remedies – Additionally, you can use natural remedies to prevent spiders from entering your homes. For example, peppermint oil mixed with water and dish soap makes a good spider repellent.
You can also spray white vinegar mixed with water to kill spiders. This not only helps with eradicating spiders; it also deters other insects from visiting. White vinegar also makes a good cleaning agent in your homes.
Blocking access – Spiders are more inclined to invade your home if there are entry points. If there are cracks and small openings that allow them to enter, spiders will come uninvited. Sealing up these cracks is important to keep them out. Installing door sweeps can help with blocking access. Door sweeps can also keep other insects out of your home. You can also use caulk to seal up any small openings or gaps present.
Remove cluttered items – Cluttered areas and piles of dusty books are all potential places for spiders to build their webs. Spiders look for places that will not cause any disruptions to their hunting plans. Hence, it is important to remove cluttered items lying around your home.
Calling in the Professionals
If you would like to know more interesting facts about spiders, you can always ask the professionals. First Choice Pest Specialist has expertise in managing all kinds of pests. Our pest controllers are experienced in handling spider infestations. From managing a spider problem, to providing advice on prevention measures, we can assist your every need. We also have effective disinfection solutions that are eco-friendly and safe for use.
For more information about a spider infestation, engage us today!